
Radical Enviros Backed By Rich American Liberals Deface Stonehenge

(X / Screenshot / Public — User: JustStop_Oil)

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Nick Pope Contributor
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Two hardline climate activists defaced Stonehenge in the U.K. on Wednesday in an act of protest, footage posted to social media shows.

Activists affiliated with the disruptive U.K.-based group Just Stop Oil sprayed the prehistoric monument with orange paint, presumably in an effort to draw attention to climate change, video of the incident uploaded to X — formerly known as Twitter —shows. Just Stop Oil is one of many similarly-styled confrontational organizations that receives funding from the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), an American nonprofit that is itself funded by a number of wealthy American liberals.

The two protesters approached the monument and began spraying orange paint from pressurized containers loosely resembling fire extinguishers, the footage shows. Bystanders intervened and restrained the activists, but not before they had done a considerable amount of damage to Stonehenge. (RELATED: Geriatric Climate Activists Target Magna Carta With Hammer And Chisel)

“The U.K.’s government in waiting has committed to enacting Just Stop Oil’s original demand of ‘no new oil and gas.’ However, we all know this is not enough. Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas will result in the death of millions. We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything,” Just Stop Oil said of the protest. “That’s why Just Stop Oil is demanding that our next government sign up to a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels by 2030 … Stone circles can be found in every part of Europe showing how we’ve always cooperated across vast distances – we’re building on that legacy.”

Located in southern England, Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments on the planet. The first pillars were erected during the Neolithic age some 5,000 years ago, according to English Heritage.

Just Stop Oil, meanwhile, has drawn considerable attention for similar stunts in the past, including blocking streets, disrupting major sporting events and attempting to vandalize the Magna Carta and other culturally significant items. However, the group’s tactics have occasionally drawn the ire of other citizens, including one group calling itself “Just Stop Pissing Everyone Off” that has effectively blocked Just Stop Oil demonstrations in the past.

CEF is the primary funder of the A22 network, an international coalition of similarly-confrontational climate activist groups that counts Just Stop Oil among its members, according to CEF’s website. Wealthy U.S. liberals — including the charitable foundation of oil heiress Aileen Getty, Abigail Disney, and Hollywood fixtures like Adam McKay and Jeremy Strong — are donors to CEF, according to CEF’s 2023 annual report.

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