
Mother of Woman Allegedly Murdered By Illegal Immigrant Blasts Mayorkas For Omitting Her Daughter’s Name

[Screenshot/Fox News/"The Ingraham Angle"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Rachel Morin’s mother, Patty, blasted Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday for referring to her daughter as “the individual,” adding that Biden officials haven’t reached out to her or her family.

Patty appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss the recent arrest of her daughter’s alleged killer last weekend, a 23-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador identified as Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez. Following a clip that showed Mayorkas referring to Morin as “the individual” before correcting himself during a CNN interview, Fox host Laura Ingraham asked Patty her thoughts on the comment.

“My reaction is that it’s a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a female. That she was a mother, a daughter. It totally impersonalizes her and makes her an object,” Patty said.

Patty’s family attorney, Randolph Rice, went on to slam Biden officials, saying the southern border is “hemorrhaging” while officials argue over “what type of band-aid to put on it.” Ingraham then asked Morin’s mother whether she’d heard from any Biden official and what message she had for them. (RELATED: ‘Don’t Think I Can Say That On-Air’: Brother Of Mother Allegedly Killed By Illegal Immigrant Holds Back Biden Critique)

“Have you heard from any official in the Biden Administration about your daughter and your loss?” Ingraham questioned.

“No ma’am, no one’s contacted me personally. As far as I know, no one has reached out and contacted anybody in the family,” Patty said.

“What’s your message to President Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, his DHS secretary — Rachel’s name not used, her life not recognized. What’s your message tonight to them?” Ingraham asked.

“My message is that these are American citizens. These are the people that help to strengthen our country. These are the men and women that keep our country going, our economy going. Our families, our churches, this is the backbone of America — who [is] us, Americans. To not even acknowledge that my daughter is a person, or that she’s a female, or that she’s a mother, like to categorize her as a statistic. It just shows how impersonal that they are,” Patty responded.

“It’s callous,” Ingraham jumped in.

“Yes, and how they don’t value life,” Patty added.

During an interview Tuesday with CNN host Jim Acosta, Mayorkas was questioned about the arrest by authorities in Morin’s case, noting that the alleged suspect is an illegal immigrant.

“Of course, our hearts break for the children, the family, the loved ones, the friends of the individual who was murdered,” Mayorkas said before adding, “the woman, the mother.”

Authorities found Morin’s body on a popular hiking trail in Maryland after she was brutally raped and killed in August 2023, leaving behind five children. Martinez-Hernandez had an arrest warrant issued by international law enforcement agency, Interpol, after murdering a woman in El Salvador in January 2023.

However, Martinez-Hernandez was able to illegally cross into the U.S. in February 2023 and is believed to have allegedly assaulted a 9-year-old girl and her mother in Los Angeles just a month after crossing and before his alleged attack on Morin.