
ROOKE: Bannon Doesn’t Give ‘Two F*cks’ About Prison, Says ‘MAGA’s Gonna Let Out A Roar’

Photo by YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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The left put the architect of former President Trump’s 2016 campaign and his top advisor in prison Monday, but Warroom host Steve Bannon says he’s not worried.

Bannon started his four-month sentence at Federal Correctional Institute Danbury on Monday. The Supreme Court refused to postpone his sentence while he appealed his conviction of contempt of Congress for ignoring a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee.

Instead of cowering over the lawfare against him, Bannon said he’s excited about his time in prison during his last address on Sunday to his audience, which he lovingly calls the “Warroom Posse.”

“I’m excited because I don’t give two f*cks about going to Danbury prison,” Bannon said. “Here’s what I give a f*ck about. We’re going to take down Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, and the corrupt DOJ and the FBI and all of it. I could[n’t] care less. I’m excited because MAGA’s gonna let out a roar tonight and tomorrow and the next day and the next day and burn it all down until we get to November 5th, where President Trump is going to win in a landslide. We’re not backing down one inch.”

Similarly, in his ABC interview, Bannon called the American people an “Army of the Awakened” who are inspired to vote against President Joe Biden and the Democrat regime. While ABC host Jonathan Karl tried to paint Trump supporters as violent “insurrectionists,” Bannon said the movement isn’t about violence but ballot box retribution. (ROOKE: Lady Mac-Biden Desperately Clinging To Power As Husband Crumbles Before Her Eyes)

One thing is true. Left-wing activists’ move to commit lawfare against Trump and his supporters is backfiring. Trump’s conviction sparked millions in donations to the Trump Campaign at a time when the Democrats had hoped the endless lawsuits would financially drain him and make campaigning impossible.

Bannon said he has a clear head and focuses only on “Victory or Death.” He told his audience not to pray for him or write him letters. Instead, he wants them to focus on helping Trump win the presidential election.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice said that when Bannon finishes his four-month prison sentence, the movement “will be even further ahead in this fight.”

“An Army of the Awakened is going to take our country back. We aren’t depending on the ‘conservative elite’ to save us. We are going to fight like hell for the future of America. And when Steve gets out of prison, we will be even further ahead in this fight. Victory or Death as Steve always says and we choose VICTORY,” she tweeted.

Bannon helped Trump understand in 2016 that his role in American politics revolved around capturing the angst of populist voters whom the ruling elites had forgotten. (ROOKE: Gen X And Millennials Ditched ‘Hope And Change’ For MAGA In Just 16 years)

After four years under President Biden’s policies, Americans are hurting and even more understand how important it is for their elected officials to put them first. The movement is much larger than that of Trump or Bannon now.

If there is ever a time to take action against the regime, it’s this November, with your vote.