
Big 10 Football Coach Says There’s ‘Very Little’ Chance The Conference Reverses Decision To Cancel The Season

(Brett Carlsen/Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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The Big 10 is unlikely to reverse course on the football season.

After days and days of players, coaches and fans fighting back against the decision to cancel football, a chance is unlikely to come down the pipeline. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

Tom Dienhart tweeted that he asked an assistant in the conference if there was any hope that a reversal would happen, and the coach responded with, “Very little. Hard to reverse course. A lot of people would have to admit they screwed up.”

I understand. We’re just not going to have football in the fall anymore in the B1G because too many people would have to admit they screwed up.

That makes sense. That’s totally rational and not at all insane. Better to decimate our local communities than supreme leader Kevin Warren admit he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.

Yeah, we should definitely not change course so that the morons running B1G schools and Warren can save face. Sounds good to me!

Are you sensing my sarcasm? You certainly should be because I’m pouring it all over the computer right now.

Outside of Kevin Warren and those following his dictatorial rule of the conference, is there anyone who actually believes the B1G made the correct call?

The answer to that question certainly seems to be no.

Change the decision while there’s still time left. Warren can be remembered as a man who came to his senses or he can be remembered as the man who brought the B1G collapsing down. The choice is his.