
DeSantis: Border Crisis Is ‘Intentional Policy Rooted In An Open Borders Ideology’

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Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the border crisis is an “intentional policy rooted in an open borders ideology” Sunday night while on the Fox News program, “Life, Liberty & Levin.”

When asked by host Mark Levin why President Joe Biden won’t enact tougher immigration laws to try to curb illegal immigration, DeSantis explained that he believes it is due to an ideological divide.

“I think it is intentional, Mark, and I’m not sure how much Biden is engaged in this but certainly a lot of the people that have the sway in the White House on a day-to-day basis, I believe on an ideological basis, they believe in open borders. Now, the public is strongly against what’s going on there, so I think it’s taking a toll on them politically,” DeSantis said.


“They knew by undoing Donald Trump’s policies – which were succeeding – that this would happen. It has happened, and they really show a disregard for all the problems that emanate as a result of this,” DeSantis continued. “It’s a clear failure of leadership but I do believe that this is an intentional policy rooted in an open borders ideology.”

Sixty-four percent of voters said Biden should “issue new, stricter policies to reduce the flow of people across the border,” a recent Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found.

Fifty-five percent of those polled said Biden should have left Trump’s policies in place. (RELATED: Kamala Harris Says It Was ‘Always The Plan’ To Visit US-Mexico Border After Dodging It For Months)

“The voters see the border as a growing problem and blame the Biden administration policies,” pollster Mark Penn reportedly said. “The voters vastly underestimate the size of the problem and so once they learn it’s nearly 200,000 a month making illegal crossings their temperatures rise on this issue.”

Biden rescinded a slew of Trump-era policies, such as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico while their claims were processed. He also ended construction along the border wall and tried to enact a 100-day deportation ban, which was later blocked by a Trump-appointed judge.

Biden formally ended Trump’s national emergency declaration at the southern border in February, claiming it was “unwarranted.”