
Liberal Pundit Keith Olbermann Claps Back At Troll By … Pissing Down His Own Face?

Image courtesy of Gunther Eagleman @GuntherEagleman

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The internet’s proverbial loony leftist grandpa Keith Olbermann is back at it again with another scorcher, this time seemingly implying that he pisses on his own face. 

After a full-scale meltdown over the Supreme Court’s landmark 9-0 ruling in favor of former President Donald Trump in the Colorado ballot case, Olbermann appears to have short-circuited. 

After Olbermann blasted out an absurd rant calling for the dissolution of the Supreme Court, political commentator Gunther Eagleman replied to Old Man O’s public meltdown with a simple “Cry more… 9-0.”

Olbermann, doing his best Shooter McGavin impression, retorts with “Those aren’t tears, Fascist. They’re urine. I’m sure you enjoy being bathed in it.” 

DUDE. There are kids on this website. You can’t just go around admitting you like to have urine on your face, what the heck Olbermann?! No wonder you got fired three times. (RELATED: The Dark Lord Returns: Olbermann Back On Twitter 24 Hours After He Quit ‘Antisemitic’ Platform)

Twitter users immediately caught on to the absurdity, asking questions like “Did you just say that your face is covered in piss?”

Truly, Olbermann’s stunning lack of self-awareness or just even basic language skills hearken back to the infamous Happy Gilmore adversary who told Adam Sandler’s iconic character, “I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.”

McGavin, as filled with rage and delusion as Olbermann, has no idea how ridiculous he sounds until Gilmore points it out. “You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?” Sandler’s character asks.

I can only imagine pissface was equally embarrassed. Although at this point in Olbermann’s long career of being stunningly and shockingly stupid on the internet, I am starting to wonder if he lost the part of his brain that processes shame in a snowmobiling accident or something.


Eagleman made a hilarious meme of Olbermann crying tears of pee and I would strongly suggest Keith use it as his Twitter avatar. Best he’s ever looked, if you ask me.