
Trump, Melania To Begin ‘Quarantine Process’ After Hope Hicks Tests Positive For COVID-19


Anders Hagstrom White House Correspondent
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President Donald Trump and his wife Melania are “beginning the quarantine process” after both of them came into contact with senior staffer Hope Hicks, who tested positive for COVID-19 Thursday evening.

Both Trump and Melania are awaiting the results of their own coronavirus tests. It is unclear whether the quarantine restrictions would remain in place if they test negative. The CDC recommends a full two weeks of quarantine for potential coronavirus cases. (RELATED: Biden Says Amy Coney Barrett Is A ‘Very Fine Person’)

Trump and Melania were in contact with Hicks during travel on Wednesday. It is unknown whether she was also in contact with the president during his debate with Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday.

Trump’s Friday schedule had him traveling to campaign events in Washington, D.C. as well as a rally in Florida.

“The President takes the health and safety of himself and everyone who works in support of him and the American people very seriously,” White House spokesperson Judd Deere said in a statement Thursday night, according to ABC News.

“White House Operations collaborates with the Physician to the President and the White House Military Office to ensure all plans and procedures incorporate current CDC guidance and best practices for limiting COVID-19 exposure to the greatest extent possible both on complex and when the President is traveling,” he added.

White House aides are reportedly worried that Trump may be particularly susceptible to the virus thanks to his lack of sleep on the campaign trail.

The White House has not yet updated Trump’s schedule to remove his plans for Friday.