
Psaki Says Biden Will Have Press Conference By The End Of The Month

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Friday that President Joe Biden will have a press conference by the end of March.

“As all of you know, the president takes questions several times a week,” Psaki said during the White House press briefing. “He took questions actually twice yesterday, which is an opportunity for the people covering the White House to ask him about whatever news is happening on any given day.”

“We look forward to holding a full press conference in the coming weeks before the end of the month and we’re working on setting a final date for that and as soon as we do, we will let you all know,” Psaki said. (RELATED: The White House Won’t Let Biden Hold A Press Conference — But Here’s Jen Psaki On Her Love Of Breakfast For Dinner!)

Psaki said she believes Biden answered questions nearly 40 times, and reiterated Biden is concentrating on aiding Americans.

“He looks forward to continuing to engage with all of you and .. other members of the media who aren’t here today. And we look forward to letting you know as soon as that press conference is set,” Psaki said.


Biden hasn’t held a solo press conference since taking office 45 days ago, which is a longer gap than at least the four previous presidents.

“This president came in during a historic crisis, two historic crises — a pandemic like the country had not seen in decades and decades and an economic downturn that left ten million people out of work,” Psaki said.

Psaki said she thinks Americans will “certainly understand” that Biden’s focus has been on ensuring there are enough COVID-19 vaccines for every American and ensuring the American Rescue Plan to aid the economy.

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