
UK Broadcaster Warns About ‘New Form Of Communism’ Following Socialist Mayor Attempt To Shut Down NatCon Conference

[Screenshot/Fox News/"The Ingraham Angle"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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British broadcaster Nigel Farage warned Wednesday on Fox News about a “new form of communism,” following an attempt from Brussels’s socialist mayor Philippe Close to shut down the National Conservatism Conference this week.

Farage appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss how Close reportedly attempted to shut down the NatCon conference Tuesday by pressuring the establishments, at which Farage was a keynote speaker. Fox host Laura Ingraham asked the British broadcaster what Americans should “take away” from the attempt to cancel the conference. (RELATED: Socialist Belgian Mayor Tries To Force Closure Of National Conservatism Conference)

“Yes, I mean, look at what is happening in every American university, as it’s happening here,” Farage stated. “Where ideas that are perfectly reasonable, legitimate, ideas are branded as somehow as being extreme, mad, and dangerous. What happened in Brussels yesterday was extraordinary. You saw that clip of me on the stage, the police came into the room to close the whole thing down.”

“Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary, spoke this morning and he said that in the late 1980s when the Soviets were in control of Hungary, his political party repeatedly attempted to have meetings only to find the venues closing them out,” he continued. “So what we’re seeing is a new form of communism. Where unless you agree with the globalist view, the ever closer political union, ever more support for globalist structures like World Health Organization, the European Union, the U.N. If you disagree with these things, you are mad, you are bad, you are dangerous, and you must be shut down.”

“Well, we fought back yesterday, in no uncertain terms,” Farage stated. “I refused to leave the venue. I said to the police, ‘You want to take me out, you will have to drag me out.’ And they withdrew, we did win the court order overnight. So this has turned into a victory for free speech. But you know something, whenever we talk about cancel culture the left always say[s] it doesn’t exist. Well here’s this event yesterday, has now gone global, we can see that it does happen and that it is a very pernicious form of censorship.”

During the conference, which Farage and Hungary President Viktor Orbán attended, a video was posted to Twitter showing the moment NatConTalk host Yoram Hazony told the audience that Brussels officers were reportedly given an order to shut the conference down due to it  “creating a public disturbance.”

Hazony revealed that with only three police officials sent, conference officials decided that if people attending wanted to say they may, however those who wanted to leave would not be allowed back in. The conference later challenged the government with an order, which Farage revealed they won overnight.