
Orioles’ Adley Rutschman Left Bloodied After Smashing His Face Into The Dirt

(Photo by Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images)

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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Painful AND embarrassing … yikes.

Baltimore Orioles catcher Adley Rutschman suffered a bit of embarrassment Tuesday in a game taking on the New York Yankees.

During the first inning, Rutschman was standing over at second base while first baseman Ryan Mountcastle was at first. Rutschman was teasing that he was going to steal third base, however, Yankees starting pitcher Nestor Cortes was onto it and threw the ball at an attempt for a pick-off. (RELATED: Willie Mays Dead At 93)

Rustchman tried to retreat, and successfully did so, but here’s the thing: He face-planted right into the Camden Yards dirt to safely get back to second base.

What originally seemed to be just a routine play, well, wasn’t. Rustchman ended up having a bloody nose and had to get patched up prior to Cortes making another pitch. With that being said, he did stay in the contest, per the orders of Baltimore manager Brandon Hyde and head athletic trainer Brian Ebel.

“It looks like his nose might’ve crashed into the dirt,” stated the broadcast.


I’m sure it’s happened before, but how often do major leaguers face-plant into the dirt?

It sounds like something you only see in Little League, but I guess the professionals do it from time to time as well, obviously.

Fun little baseball story here amid a tense modern-day rivalry between the O’s and Yanks.