
Super Bowl-Losing Lineman Jon Feliciano Blames Hangover For Throwing Teammate Spencer Burford Under The Bus

Steph Chambers/Getty Images

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San Francisco 49ers offensive lineman Jon Feliciano publicly apologized to his teammate after throwing him under the bus on Twitter, writing Tuesday that the backstab was due to a hangover.

Feliciano kicked off the incident on Monday by responding to a tweet that blamed 49ers tackle Colton McKivitz for letting Chiefs defensive tackle Chris Jones rush the passer during a Super Bowl LVIII play that ultimately stopped San Francisco from scoring a touchdown in overtime and likely cost them the game.

“I know you know all, so u should know that’s not Colton’s guy….” the 49ers guard tweeted.

He then responded to another fan who said that McKivitz should have chop blocked Jones on the play. “A quick chop is not needed if the guy that was supposed to block him, blocks him,” he wrote.

Fellow 9ers guard Spencer Burford took offense to the tweet, apparently assuming he was the guy that was “supposed to block him.” (RELATED: CBS Parent Company Fires 800 Employees One Day After Announcing Record Super Bowl Viewership)

Buford responded to Feliciano in kind, tweeting “Sheesh…I open up my app to this…get well soon bro…”

Feliciano responded a few hours later, apologizing profusely. “Im sorry bro. I woke up hungover and being a bitch. In trying to have ones back I hurt u. It’s f-Ed up and I apologize. You got nothing but greatness ahead of you. I’m sorry bro,” he tweeted.

I sympathize with Feliciano. I’ve made the odd hungover slip-up. But football is supposed to be a brotherhood. Not sure where he gets off throwing shade at a teammate like that. Especially a teammate who plays the same position. O-line is the grittiest, toughest position in the league. To then go and tweet about a teammate like a gossiping school girl seems unbecoming of the position.