
Relax, Everyone. The Deep State Isn’t ‘Organized’ Enough To Do Anything, Ever, Says One Too Many People

CREDIT: Pexels - Francesco Ungaro

Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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Author’s note: I am not suicidal and if anything happens to me, someone is lying about it.

CNN’s senior political analyst Mark Preston basically said Wednesday that Washington, D.C., was too disorganized to create a deep state, begging the question: What the heck are all those idiots north of Richmond even for, then?

This is a weird one, so bare with me here: According to Preston, there is no deep state, and if there was, it wouldn’t be organized enough to assassinate former President Donald Trump. Well, no duh, Preston. But let’s step away from the Trump of it all for a minute and focus on the core of Preston’s point.

Preston’s comments represent a two-part concern: (1) You and I are currently funding (taxes) a bunch of already very wealthy people’s war games and Ozempic prescriptions up in D.C. despite them not being organized enough to get black-out at a brewery; and (2), Preston is not the first person to make these comments, which makes me think the so-called “deep state” is trying to psy-op America into believing they don’t exist … just like the Devil does.

The first time I publicly heard the idea that people in Washington, D.C., were too stupid to organize the collapse of civil society was in the movie “Leave The World Behind.

Many people think this movie is one of the scariest and most accurate examples of what would happen in the first hours of domestic warfare in the U.S. I tend to agree … and so do the likes of former President Barack Obama, who was instrumental in the film’s development, and Alex Jones.

That’s right: Obama and Jones agreed over this movie, which is scary enough on its own. (RELATED: ‘The Octopus Murders’ Will Make You Want To Stop Watching Television)

Analyzing linguistic and messaging trends to assess macro-future action potential is the extremely boring way I basically used my University of Plymouth dissertation to prove that, when you want people to think, feel and act a certain way, you drip-feed messaging into their day-to-day life until a generalized social norm is created. You know you’re successful when the majority think people are “crazy” if they don’t agree with the reigning rhetoric.

Put simply: I really don’t like it when I hear multiple unrelated parties parroting the same party line, because that means there could be an organized body behind that messaging, using it for nefarious purposes.

In this case, if the alleged “deep state” convinces us they don’t exist, then we could be letting a lot of people get away with destroying the American Dream. Our children and grandchild’s lives will be far worse than our own, and we’d only have ourselves to blame for being gaslit by the faceless monsters who control our daily lives.

I hope I’m wrong and that people in Washington, D.C., are really as stupid as everyone says. I mean, there’s a reason people call D.C. “Hollywood for ugly people,” right? It’s not because people in Hollywood are exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. (RELATED: ‘The Green Veil’ Takes Government Conspiracies To A Whole New Level)

Perhaps both things are true: The deep state exists within Washington, D.C., and its members are very stupid? If this is the case, then why does that line from “Usual Suspects” keep rolling around in my head: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.”