
‘Sleeping Dragon’: Victor Davis Hanson Explains Why Americans Will Stop Putting Up With ‘Hardcore Socialists’

[Screenshot/Fox News/"The Ingraham Angle"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Hoover Institute senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson said Tuesday on Fox News that Americans will eventually get fed up with “hardcore socialists,” slamming them for “taking advantage” of the freedoms within the U.S.

Hanson appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss the ongoing pro-Palestine protests within the country. Fox guest host Kayleigh McEnany asked the senior fellow his thoughts on why pro-Palestinian protestors haven’t spoken up since Hamas recently rejected a ceasefire plan from Egypt.

Hanson said not only are protestors “right where they always wanted to be” but they are “hardcore socialists” pushing for qualities that go against America’s liberty and freedom. (RELATED: Pro-Palestine Protesters Gather Outside The Homes Of Biden Admin Officials On Christmas Day)

“Well, they’re right where they always wanted to be — because they don’t believe in democracy. This isn’t the party of JFK or Bill Clinton or Hubert Humphrey even — these people are hardcore socialists and they believe in mandated equality, not liberty or freedom,” Hanson stated.

“So here at home, if things don’t go their way they want to get rid of the filibuster. They want to pack the court, or they want to admit new states, or they want to take an opponent off the ballot — they don’t believe in democracy.” 

“Polls show that — the recent Daily Signal said that 50% of Democrats wanted to curb free speech. 75% of Republicans, of course, didn’t … And when you have, as Steven said, these force multipliers of open borders, and millions of people coming in from the Middle East, from autocratic and neoliberal regimes, that just makes it all the more astounding,” Hanson stated. 

Hanson continued by calling out the “morally superior” attitude of the protestors, saying he believes Americans will eventually “wake up” to the destruction that is continuing to happen. (RELATED: Pro-Palestinian Vandals Desecrate Cherished Nativity Scene In Boston) 

“So they don’t believe in democracy — the old ACLU doesn’t exist anymore. These people believe that they’re morally superior. They want to have a mandated equality of result, and they want power to enact that. And anybody that gets in their way they call a racist, a reactionary or a fascist — but they don’t want to let the people speak because they know their agenda doesn’t appeal to 51% of the people anymore,” Hanson stated.

“And it’s very ironic to have all of these peoples, as I said, that come over here and flee these autocratic regimes. And what do they do when they get here? They take advantage of our freedoms and try to destroy them while they rah rah — illiberal regimes. And I think Americans are sort of like a sleeping dragon. I think they’re just looking at this every single day — deface monuments, throw paint on the Lincoln Memorial, disrupt Christmas. And at some point they’re going to wake up and say ‘no mas,’ we’re done with it.”

Pro-Palestine protestors all over the world have continued to interrupt holiday celebrations from barging in on holiday parties, desecrating a nativity scene or disrupting a fundraiser for blind children. Protestors gathered outside the homes of two top Biden Administration officials on Christmas Day in support of Palestine, calling for a ceasefire to the Israel-Gaza conflict.