
Scarborough Can’t Decide If He Loves Or Hates Democrats ‘Wetting Their Beds Every Day’

[Screenshot/MSNBC: Morning Joe]

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough could not decide whether he loves or hates Democrats who are “wetting their beds every night” over election polls favoring former President Donald Trump.

A Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll found Trump narrowly leading in seven battleground states, including Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin. Other polls have favored the former president, particularly in the swing states, as concerns about Biden’s age and mental capacity continue to worry voters.

“I’m torn, because I love American democracy, and at the same time I hate listening to Democratic bed-wetting every day,” Scarborough said. “I want them to be scared so they’ll work harder. I want them to be wetting their beds every morning so they get up and work harder all day. I don’t want to tell them that they have money. You get up, watch ‘Morning Joe,’ I’ll tell you it’s okay, you clean yourself off and you work hard all day. But there is an awful lot of bedwetting here.”

Scarborough remained optimistic that Democrats can succeed in the general election, pointing out that Wisconsin has the “best party chairman in the nation.” He called on the party to keep working hard and making money in the swing states. (RELATED: Joe Scarborough Practically Hyperventilates Over People Criticizing Biden’s Border Walk) 

NBC News political analyst Claire McCaskill, a former senator who lost to Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, said the party that is “most extreme” struggle the most in swing states.

“I think that what you’re seeing here is a coming home to understanding that Joe Biden is a decent man with loads of integrity, and for those swing voters that’s gonna matter,” McCaskill said. “And the more Donald Trump talks, he is more extreme today than he was ever in 2016 or 2020. He is saying things that he didn’t think about saying in those elections, and the more he’s out there, the more it’s gonna help Joe Biden.”

Among 51% of respondents said there is “not really any chance” they would vote for Biden, while 46% said they would not vote for Trump, according to a May poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College. An AP/NORC poll found that 60% of voters believe Biden has “hurt” the cost of living, and 56% said the same about border security. Forty percent and 37% of respondents said the same thing about Trump in the same poll.

An NBC poll from January found that 48% of surveyors believe Trump is “more competent and effective” as of January 2024, while 32% said the same of Biden. A separate poll from February found Trump in the lead 47% to 42%, and found more participants to trust Trump to handle policy issues better than the incumbent president.

More Americans believe Trump has a stronger mental capacity to serve a second term, several polls have indicated.