
Everything You Need To Know About The Weirdest UFOs From 2023


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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If 2023 was defined by anything, it was government corruption and cover-ups of the unidentified flying objects/unidentified aerial phenomena (UFO/UAP) that’ve been hanging around our skies … possibly forever.

Strange Things In The Skies

Seeing strange things in our skies was par for 2023. Not only did a whole host of weird things fly around, day and night, across the U.S., but reports and videos of UFOs are now increasing around the world.

The growth in UFO reports from other countries is significant, as the U.S. has often been mocked for being the only place where aliens seem to show up. In reality, people in the U.S. are just far more open-minded about this stuff than anywhere else in the world. Britain, for example, is filled with miserable people who hate fun, so any mention of UFOs will see you perilously mocked by friends and loved ones. (RELATED: RyanAir Pilot Says UFO Appeared Shockingly Close To Passenger Flight)

But a growth in UFO reports from other countries means people are finally opening their minds to the possibility that we are not alone in the universe.

Rep. Tim Burchett Becomes The Poster Boy For UFO Disclosure

It’s always really sad to see elected officials anchor themselves to the UFO phenomenon. Every few years or so, a new face appears at the forefront of the push for disclosure of alien data collected by government agencies. This year, Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett decided to place his entire legacy in politics around this futile effort.

Although Burchett appears to be absolutely adorably emphatic when it comes to his work on UFOs, he’s just one of many who the UFO community has hammered over the years. I hope Burchett is able to do something far more notable with his career before he’s remembered for failing to actually change a damn thing about this field of exploration. (RELATED: UFO Knowledge Is Being Covered Up By Big Government, Congressman, Author Tell Chuck Todd)

Whistleblowers Make Spectacles Of Themselves

We met a new UFO whistleblower, David Grusch, in 2023. Despite being featured across most media channels, interviewed by podcaster Joe Rogan and testifying before Congress, Grusch managed to achieve net-zero forward mobility in our understanding of UFOs.

Not only has Grusch shown up with no evidence to back up his claims about government agencies reverse-engineering alien crafts (the oldest UFO story in the book) and aliens living on Earth (also a very old story), but most of his claims apparently came from other people. As far as whistleblowers go, Grusch is by far the least convincing in modern history, which is a real shame. (RELATED: Does Anyone Else Feel Like These UFO Hearings Were A Little Too Convenient?)

Harvard Professor’s UFO Mission Continues

The real godfather of UFOs in 2023 was Harvard professor Avi Loeb, who said in April that if aliens are real, it would force the unification of humanity. Obviously, this is not a new claim either, but since most of the scum suckers on this planet build their profits from war, it makes sense that the government agencies they work with wouldn’t want us to unite under the truth of UFOs, right?

Political Infighting Leads To Inaction

Political infighting on UFOs didn’t really fall along Republican/Democrat lines this year. Most of the arguments were between elected officials and faceless government agencies who take our money without giving us any report on what the heck they’re doing with it.

While Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called out Republicans for blocking UFO transparency, it’s not like he did anything to guarantee it either. (RELATED: UFO Investigations Halted Over Fears Of ‘Demonic Forces,’ Former Defense Minister Claims)

But by far the craziest political story of UFOs in 2023 came in December. Just days after we realized our lawmakers — who we literally pay to do a job for us — had refused to release any new UFO data, these idiots thought we’d actually believe an alien flew by President Joe Biden’s Air Force 1 in Los Angeles International Airport. How convenient?!?

Yes, your lawmakers think you’re that gullible and stupid.

Crop Circles Might Be Real

But the craziest story of 2023 came from the YouTube show “The Why Files,” which managed to debunk … and then not debunk … the crop circle phenomenon. I highly recommend watching the full episode because it’ll make your brain melt.

Even after all this, the only way I’d ever believe an alien was real is if it showed up in my house, took me on a flying tour of the world and our immediate cosmos and then handed me a sonic screwdriver and made my extremely overweight cat (it’s his breed) speak in a deep Scottish accent. Anything short of this would be a psyop, and I will die on this hill.