
Here Are All The Members Of Congress Who Have Self-Quarantined Due To Coronavirus

Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images

Henry Rodgers Chief National Correspondent
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A number of members of Congress in both the House and the Senate have announced they are self-quarantining as coronavirus continues to spread throughout the U.S.

Here is an updated list of all the members of Congress who have self-quarantined:

Many Republican Congressmen decided to self-quarantine after meeting the individual who attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) while infected with coronavirus.

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was the first to announce the self-quarantine, saying that he will be staying home in Texas for the week after he was informed that he met the individual who attended CPAC who is infected with coronavirus. (RELATED: Ted Cruz To Stay Home In Texas For One Week After Saying He Met Person With Coronavirus At CPAC)

Cruz made it clear in a statement that he has not had any symptoms since the interaction at the conference and that it was a quick conversation and a handshake, but he said in order to be safe he will be staying home instead of returning back to Washington D.C. Cruz also said he has spoken with health officials across the board.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) arrives at the U.S. Capitol for the Senate impeachment trial of U.S. President Donald Trump, on January 31, 2020 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

Republican Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar became the second member of Congress to self-quarantine. The Arizona Republican said that three of his senior staff are also under self-quarantine, but that none of them have been diagnosed or feel symptoms of the deadly disease. (RELATED: Rep. Paul Gosar Becomes Second Member Of Congress To Self-Quarantine After Meeting Person With Coronavirus At CPAC)

Democratic Wisconsin Rep. Gwen Moore announced Monday that she will self-quarantine as the deadly coronavirus continues to spread throughout the U.S.

The announcement came not long after New Mexico Democratic Ben Ray Luján said that he will self-quarantine. Luján said although he does not feel symptoms that he believes it is safest to self-quarantine and work from home. A large number of members of Congress have begun to self-quarantine as the death tolls climb and the virus spreads. (RELATED: Another House Democrat To Self-Quarantine)

A staffer who works in Republican Arizona Rep. David Schweikert’s Washington D.C. office tested positive for coronavirus, the congressman announced Sunday, as the House passed a bill Saturday morning that is set to provide coronavirus testing at no cost to patients and extend paid sick leave to workers in need. The Senate is currently working on passing legislation, which, if passed, would then be sent to Trump for a finalizing signature.

Virginia Democratic Rep. Don Beyer announced Tuesday that he had dinner with a friend who has since tested positive for coronavirus, adding him to a list of members of Congress who have self-quarantined. (RELATED: Don Beyer Becomes Second Democrat To Self-Quarantine After Having Dinner With A Friend Infected With Coronavirus)

A number of members of Congress have received tests for coronavirus, as the deadly disease continues to spread across the U.S.

President Donald Trump received a test for the virus, which came back negative. Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sunday also announced that he tested negative for coronavirus.